How To Take Academic Leave For Family Reasons

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How To Take Academic Leave For Family Reasons
How To Take Academic Leave For Family Reasons

Video: How To Take Academic Leave For Family Reasons

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In a student's life, situations may arise that will not allow him to devote sufficient time to study and passing exams. And often the only solution is academic leave, which can be granted "for family reasons."

How to take academic leave for family reasons
How to take academic leave for family reasons

It is necessary

Order No. 2782 dated 05.11.98. "On the Procedure for Granting Academic Leaves"


Step 1

If you need an academic leave for family reasons, the management of the educational institution needs to provide evidence that you want to interrupt your studies for a while for objective reasons. Go to your dean's office and find out more detailed information about your further actions, about the necessary documents. The general scheme is the same, but each organization has its own nuances.

Step 2

There are three main reasons for going on family leave. First: caring for a sick relative. If you live with your close relative, he needs daily care and no one except you can take care of him provide his medical certificate to the management of the educational institution. This certificate must indicate the need for such care.

Step 3

The second reason is caring for a small child. It's easier here, from the documents provide only a birth certificate. The child must be no more than three years old.

Step 4

And the third reason is the state of the financial situation. For example, redundancy at work of parents, in case of loss of a breadwinner, etc. In a situation that has arisen, you need to go to work and there is no time left for study. Provide the dean's office with certificates of salary of family members, documents from social security agencies, etc.

Step 5

Together with the documents, submit the application for academic leave to your dean's office. In it, indicate the request for such leave and give a detailed description of the reason. The decision on its provision or refusal is made by the head of the educational institution. Upon approval of the application, an order is issued, which will indicate the timing of the vacation.

Step 6

Be aware that you can only take academic leave once during your entire study period. As a rule, it is granted for a period of one year, but if necessary, it can also be extended by the decision of the head.
