It is often necessary to confirm the authenticity of documents. For example, when traveling abroad and applying for a job there, you must confirm your education diploma. Also, from time to time there is a need to confirm the authenticity of other documents, including electronic ones within Russia. However, not everyone knows how to do this.

A situation often arises when it is necessary to confirm the authenticity of documents that are presented either in the form of duplicates, or in the form of copies, or do not correspond to the usual type of registration.
First of all, if these documents are internal Russian and they are used inside the country, for example, a birth certificate or other types of paper, you can use the services of a notary. To do this, you will need the original document, with which you must come to the notary office in order to receive all the relevant marks. The notary will check the original and the copy and stamp and sign the document to be confirmed.
When verifying documents, the notary checks the details on the original and copies, looks at the dates of preparation or acceptance of documents, verifies the signatures of officials, looks at the stamps. Difficulties in confirming the authenticity of a document can arise only if a copy of the provided document does not correspond to the competence of this body, its issuance was committed in violation of the law, etc.
It should be borne in mind that in order to perform such a procedure as checking a document for authenticity, you will need to pay a fee in the amount set in the notary's office.
If you need to confirm the authenticity of documents that were issued abroad, you will need a slightly different scheme. Among the documents that will require confirmation of authenticity in this situation include a marriage certificate, documents on education received abroad, etc. You can prove the authenticity of such papers using an apostille. This is a kind of notarized translation of a document, which is confirmed by the necessary seals, signatures and an indication of the person who attested the truth of the information.
In order to obtain an apostille, you need to apply to the official bodies with a corresponding request, presenting an identity document. You will definitely need a receipt for the payment of the state duty for the apostille registration. Such authentication will be required for each document that you are going to confirm.
It should be borne in mind that for documents that you will export to other countries that are members of the Hague Convention, you will also need to issue an apostille on the documents, only still in Russia.
Electronic documents can also be checked for authenticity - this prospect is of interest to many businessmen who switch to doing business on the Internet. For this, an electronic digital signature is used, which is a guarantee of the authenticity of the contract, drawn up on a computer, but not printed. Today, making such a digital signature is not so difficult. But it will significantly simplify the process of document flow between the two companies and will save money on a courier who usually carries documents for signature.