The profession of a flight attendant has always attracted girls. Beautiful, dressed in elegant uniforms, always smart, friendly flight attendants meet passengers on board the aircraft and take care of them throughout the flight - it's so romantic. But behind the external lightness and simplicity are several months of training and a lot of experience. Being attractive is not enough to become a flight attendant.

Step 1
To begin with, you must meet the requirements for your physical development that airlines impose on their flight attendants. They are almost the same: excellent health, which will need to be confirmed twice a year, good looks, competent and correct speech, no scars on prominent parts of the body. In addition, your growth should be at least 160 cm, and your age should be within the range of 18-35 years. Knowledge of the English language will significantly increase your chances of becoming a flight attendant, with it you can be accepted for training even at the age of over 35.
Step 2
If you have all the parameters mentioned and a passionate desire to fly, contact the airline that you like, or better - all at once. Check out the list of vacancies that exist on the websites of airlines and write an application in the form of a resume, indicating your skills and education, if you already have one.
Step 3
You will have to go through an interview several times - with the initial one, you will rather be tested for psychological readiness to become a flight attendant, so during it you may be asked more than one provocative question. The second interview is conducted both orally and in writing. Another interview should be conducted in English, here you will also be asked questions that you will have to answer, including in writing.
Step 4
After your interviews, go through a medical flight review board. To do this, you must be absolutely healthy. Before going through the commission, collect the necessary certificates: from a narcologist, psychiatrist and from a polyclinic at your place of residence. You will also need fluorography of the chest and sinuses with pictures and descriptions, a certificate from the dentist and an electrocardiogram. General analysis of blood and urine must be passed in the laboratory of the commission.
Step 5
If you have been found fit, the airline will sign a contract with you. You do not need to pay to train as a flight attendant, but you will be required to work for the company for some time after training. During your studies, you will be paid a small scholarship - about 5-6 thousand rubles. The training time is 2.5-3 months, it is counted in the work book.
Step 6
The course of study includes: English, rescue and water rescue training, the ability to take care of yourself in order to always look neat, medical assistance and impeccable service. You will have to study 6 days a week, and you will confirm your knowledge in exams.