How To Learn To Be A Train Driver

How To Learn To Be A Train Driver
How To Learn To Be A Train Driver

Table of contents:


One of the most in-demand vacancies in the field of transport is a driver, in particular, an electric train driver. But to master this specialty, special training is required, which can be taken in one of the secondary educational institutions.

How to learn to be a train driver
How to learn to be a train driver

It is necessary

  • - certificate of secondary education;
  • - Certificate of passing the Unified State Exam or State Examination Certificate;
  • - medical certificate;
  • - photos.


Step 1

Enter a secondary specialized educational institution (ssuz) in the specialty - college or technical school of railway transport. There are such educational institutions in many cities. For admission, you must have a general or complete secondary education. In the first case, the term of study will be 4, and in the second - 3 years.

Step 2

Prepare documents for admission. In addition to the certificate, you will need to provide the results of the exam (GIA, if you completed only nine grades). For future train drivers, it is enough to show their grades in the compulsory disciplines - Russian and mathematics. You will also need a medical certificate issued by the school and passport-size photographs.

Step 3

Submit the collected papers to the admissions office of the educational institution. There you will write an application, and you will also be scheduled for an interview. In the course of this conversation with teachers, you will have to give reasons for your decision to enter a certain specialty.

Step 4

When your candidacy is approved, find it in the list of enrolled, which is published by the head of the technical school after checking all received applications from applicants. If you do not have enough places paid from the budget, you can choose a paid form of study. In this case, an agreement is concluded between the educational institution and the student (or his parents, if he is a minor).

Step 5

If you want to speed up the process of obtaining a specialty, get referrals to accelerated driver training courses. This can usually be done if you are already working on the railway, for example, as a locksmith. In this case, your training will take about six months. This option is most suitable for adults with a specialty.
