The boss's birthday is one of the holidays for which the entire team of the company or organization headed by him prepares in advance: beautiful postcards, solid gifts, congratulatory addresses. However, more and more often, employees of firms do not confine themselves to presenting pre-prepared presents and try to organize an interesting congratulation for their boss.

Step 1
Many shoot videos in which they read boring congratulatory verses from the Internet to the boss with a glass in hand. Step further - shoot a video for his favorite musical composition: let each of the employees "sing" some line from a congratulatory song, someone can dance against the background or blow up firecrackers. Such a congratulation will be remembered for a long time both by yourself and your boss, who is unlikely to expect such creativity from you.
Step 2
Give the boss his pedigree or just a description of where his last name comes from and what it stands for. If for some reason you do not have time to contact specialized firms that are engaged in such research, come up with it yourself, comparing the qualities of your boss with each letter of his last name and giving this a "scientific" explanation. All this can be beautifully framed and presented to the boss.
Step 3
A lover of oriental culture can be congratulated in the Japanese style with the help of the traditional five-verses "tanka", telling about his character and business qualities. Three geisha can read them (if the anniversary evening takes place in a cafe, then you can dress up your male colleagues as geishas - so your congratulations will be perceived with great humor). In a congratulation, for example, the following words can sound: Sakura branches are enveloped in lush color, Rejoicing in Your appearance in a sunny world. And then - in the same vein about what you respect him for: Your name is like the blade of a samurai's sword - with its Light, Shine in the midday sun Illuminates everything. Your strength, Wisdom and courage of decisions Have won you Respect and veneration Everyone in the team. You can play such a congratulation in more humorous, especially if your boss has a sense of humor.
Step 4
Find out in advance which TV game or TV show your boss loves, and build your congratulations on the basis of this program. If your boss likes "Field of Miracles", arrange a super-game with several employees, the main thing is that it is your boss who guesses the word. If you set the main goal for him to get the "Prize" sector, instead of money for your gift in a black box, offer lemons or small chocolates. The main thing is the playful inoffensive tone of the "leader" and the support of the rest of the players. In Guess the Melody, end up singing the given song together, but not the original version, but a revised congratulatory text about your boss.