The anniversary is a solemn event, therefore, the approach to the decoration of the hall needs a serious and thoughtful one. The room should not seem defiantly catchy, but stylish and elegant. A well-decorated interior leaves more vivid impressions of the holiday for both the hero of the day and the guests.

Step 1
First you need to decide on the venue for the celebration and think over the style of the event. It may be different, but all the details of the design must correspond to the general concept of the holiday: be solemnly strict, stylized for a specific era, and so on.
Step 2
Decorating can not only emphasize the features of the room favorably, but also hide its flaws. The arsenal of materials for this is quite large: paper structures, fabric draperies, garlands, posters, balloon compositions, fruit baskets and, of course, flowers. The latter will especially emphasize the luxury and exclusivity of the event, and the guests will plunge into the lively atmosphere of comfort and freshness.
Step 3
If the hall is equipped with a stage or a podium, it is necessary to pay special attention to it as a place that will be in the spotlight at all times.
Step 4
Stage decoration should not distract attention from the speakers on it, but should correspond to the general style of the hall. If the podium is absent, the place where the hero of the day is located becomes the centerpiece. Here you will, by the way, have a stylish discreet poster on the wall (behind the birthday man), a composition of balloons or paper figures in the form of an arch, numbers with a date, etc.
Step 5
The design of the tables should also be carefully thought out. Tablecloths must be in harmony with the general interior and have muted shades so as not to distract attention from the dishes served.
Step 6
If the table of the hero of the day is rectangular and located perpendicular to the main part of the hall, it is advisable to place a low symmetrically lying or falling composition of flowers in the central part. If the table is round, a small bouquet is placed in the center.
Step 7
It is also advisable to arrange bouquets on the tables of the invited, or to put each guest a separate miniature vase. It is important to remember that flowers with a pungent smell will distract guests, and buds with pollen can stain tablecloths or, even worse, clothes.
Step 8
Don't forget about custom plaques and linen napkins for guests. Chairs draped with fabric will look original.
Step 9
The room itself is decorated so that the decorations do not interfere with the guests. Columns and arches can be draped with fabric, decorated with garlands, flowers or balloons. Volumetric compositions from the latter can be placed in the center or along the perimeter of the hall.
Step 10
If your budget allows, you can place an original ice sculpture in the center of the room, combined with candles or flowers. Such a surprise will delight the guests.