Nietzsche wrote: "He who cannot have two-thirds of a day for himself personally should be called a slave." The standard thinking system looks at the concept of "work" as a place where a person should come every day and spend most of his day there, and therefore his life. And only in this way will he be able to feed himself, his family and generally lead a dignified existence. A simple question arises - where did you get this?

It is necessary
The ability to do something well, with love. Courage, determination. Internet
Step 1
Replace in your mind the phrase "my work" with "my business", and everything will immediately fall into place. "Work" is something closely related to the word "slavery", the word "business", on the contrary, has a more positive, serious connotation. Do you have any hobbies? Think about how to become a professional in your hobby, i.e. to those who are paid money for what he does. If you love and know how to play the guitar - recruit a group of students or get a musician in a nightclub, play in the park, on the streets. It's much better than killing your time in the office doing hateful work.

Step 2
Move to a country house. You will not have to spend money on transport and buy food at inflated prices. It's even better if you get a cow, birds, and a vegetable garden. You can also engage in breeding bees, rabbits, sheep and other animals. Get closer to nature - she herself will give you everything you need for life.

Step 3
Start your own business - a cafe, shop, construction company, travel agency, etc. At first you will have to work, but over time, if you find reliable deputies and form a good team, you can entrust the management of the business to your people, and you yourself will simply make a profit.