Like all citizens, the director has the right to dismiss, according to the article "At his own request". Of course, the departure of the first person of the company is complicated by certain legal requirements, in comparison with the procedure for the departure of an ordinary employee. The director must inform the founders of the enterprise about his desire to leave in a month, not 2 weeks. Upon dismissal, he can transfer cases either to the founding council, or to a new director.

Step 1
If you are a director of an LLC, then by law you have the right to convene a general meeting of founders whenever you see fit. Difficult situations arise when they do not want to let you go. In this case, the founders will simply ignore your calls. In order to comply with all the required formalities, you will first send each founder a separate certified letter of the upcoming convocation of the meeting of founders with acknowledgment of receipt. Then send your letter of resignation to the same individuals by registered mail. Such a scenario is possible that the founders will continue to ignore your appeals. So, count off the calendar month from the moment all addressees receive your letter. From this day on, you can simply stop working.
Step 2
It's easier for you to leave when there is a replacement for the director. Then you just turn things over to your replacement. The legislation does not require, in essence, the drafting of an act describing the current state of affairs in the organization. It is often not necessary to formally submit a list of all values, including seals, that are transferred from you to another leader. But it is recommended that you take care of the above documents. So protect yourself from claims that may arise from the founders.
Step 3
If you can't find a replacement, then you have the right to call a general meeting. At the meeting, decide how you will hand over cases. Any of the founders authorized by the general meeting can take over from you.
Step 4
If you are faced with a problem that for a number of reasons there is no one to transfer cases, then you can use the services of a notary. You have several options for the order of action. Firstly, you can submit documents for safekeeping according to the inventory or without it, but it is better to deposit the values in the notary's deposit so that the future director can pick them up.
Step 5
Perhaps the notary will want to interrogate the employees of the LLC, to inspect the premises. He needs this in order to provide written evidence that the employees of the company knew about your intention to leave, that you locked the safe with documents and valuables.