Among working young people there is always one who is simultaneously studying at the correspondence department. Therefore, at the time of the delivery of the sessions, the employer, in accordance with labor legislation, is obliged to provide him with study leave.

It is necessary
Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Government Decree No. 922 dated 12.24.07. "On the peculiarities of the procedure for calculating average wages."
Step 1
In order to start calculating educational leave for an employee, he must submit a certificate-call from his educational institution and attach to it an application requesting such leave. Be aware that study leave is calculated according to the same rules as paid annual leave. If there are holidays during the study leave, they must also be paid. If an employee was sick on such a vacation, then the sick leave is not payable and does not extend the vacation for days of illness.
Step 2
First, calculate the employee's earnings in the 12 months leading up to the study leave. To do this, use Resolution No. 922. It clearly defines all types of payments that should be included in the basis for calculating such leave.
Step 3
Next, calculate your average daily earnings. To do this, divide the amount of calculated earnings for 12 months (if worked for more than a year) by 12 months and by 29.4 days (the average monthly number of calendar days in a year). If an employee worked 5 months before the accrual of educational leave, then divide his earnings for 5 months by 5 and 29, 4. These rules apply in the case when all months have been worked in full. If there are not fully worked months in the calculated period, calculate the average monthly the number of calendar days in such months. Those. 29, 4 multiply by the number of calendar days per time worked and divide by the total number of calendar days in that month. For example, in July, the employee was on vacation until the 10th, and on July 11th he went to work. 29.4 * 21/31 = 19.92 days.
Step 4
For the final calculation of the leave, multiply the calculated average daily earnings by the number of days of study leave indicated in the inquiry-call. For example, the average daily earnings for 12 months amounted to 680 rubles, the duration of the vacation is 30 days. Those. vacation will be accrued in the amount of: 680 * 30 = 20400 p.