To take a study leave, an employee must submit to the employer a corresponding application with the attachment of a call-out certificate from the educational institution. Based on these documents, the organization issues an order and sends the employee on vacation.

Application for granting educational leave, certificate-call from the educational organization
Step 1
You can take a study leave when you receive education while fulfilling obligations under an employment contract. At the same time, the education of the corresponding level must be received by an employee for the first time, and the educational program must be accredited by the state. In the absence of these conditions, the employer is not obliged to grant a study leave.
Step 2
The employee must write an application a few days before the planned start date of the study leave. The application must indicate the specific basis for granting leave in accordance with the language of labor legislation providing for such a guarantee. The application must be signed with your own hand before handing over to the HR department.
Step 3
The application should be accompanied by a call-out certificate in the approved form, which confirms the right to use the study leave. The specified certificate is issued in the educational organization, the dean's office of the corresponding faculty is usually engaged in direct issuance.
Step 4
The application with the attached certificate should be transferred to the personnel department, receive a receipt from the responsible employee about the receipt of these documents. Labor legislation does not set specific deadlines for the submission of such documents, however, it is recommended to collect and present them in advance, since certain actions are also required on the part of the employer.
Step 5
After receiving the application, the employer considers it and issues an order (unified form No. T-6a) on granting the employee an educational leave. On the basis of this order, entries are made in the employee's personal card, in the time sheet. This completes the paperwork procedure for the study leave.
Step 6
For the period of some study leave, the employee retains the average earnings. The employer must pay for such leave in the general manner, that is, no later than three days before its start. But the fulfillment of this obligation on the part of the organization is possible only subject to the advance presentation of an application and a certificate by the employee.
Step 7
The maximum duration of educational leave depends on its type, the grounds on which it is granted. The specific duration is indicated in the call certificate, since only an educational organization can inform about the timing of certification, defense of diploma theses and other events.