A specialist with an economic education understands the essence of the current macro- and microeconomic processes taking place both in the country and around the world. Depending on the specialization, a person with an economics degree can work in many places.

Step 1
If the economic specialization is the world and regional economy, then a person with such education can work in the field of planning the economic activities of enterprises. Such activities are carried out by all large organizations without exception. A specialist in the field of the world economy can be useful when working in various executive bodies (the Ministry of Economic Development, for example), where the most important problems of the country's economic development are being addressed.
Step 2
Economics education can deal with very narrow issues, for example, an in-depth study of the economics of the enterprise, the economics of wages, the work of the banking sector, etc. Such a specialist can get a job in specialized enterprises and departments that correspond to his education. As a rule, wages for such employment are quite high, but the demand for such specialists is very limited. Often, such specialists are forced to work outside their specialty.
Step 3
Multidisciplinary specialists with an economic education are in great demand in the labor market. A person who understands the economic issues of the work of many divisions of the enterprise is a potentially valuable employee for any large firm. The fact is that a lot depends on the employee's ability for self-development, his outlook and work experience. In this case, the most eloquent thing for such a specialist is his track record and the presence of various certificates confirming his high qualifications.
Step 4
If it comes to employment after graduation, then any job in the economic specialty will be useful for a young economist. Various banks and credit organizations are especially willing to hire former students. Most often they have to work directly with clients. Sometimes young economists have to go to work with contractual information, which is also a good experience, since the workflow is the circulatory system of any organization.