Today, there is an acute shortage of personnel in the police. In this regard, the procedure for admitting citizens to the ranks of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, wishing to enter the service both as ordinary militiamen and in the rank of an officer, has somewhat changed.

General requirements in relation to ordinary militiamen
A citizen who wants to join the police must: have Russian citizenship, not have both active and closed convictions, be of working age, have excellent health and lead a positive, moral lifestyle.
If a few years ago for males serving in the army was a mandatory requirement, now, whether you have paid your debt to your homeland or not, it does not matter. A complete secondary education is essential.
There are special requirements for persons wishing to enlist in the officer corps.
Special requirements for officers
To serve in the police as an officer, a higher education is required. It can be obtained by already working in the police with the rank of private. All police officers are given the opportunity to undergo training on a budgetary basis in one of the many branches of the Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, at the correspondence department. Well, if there is a desire to move up the career ladder, there is the possibility of obtaining a second higher education, but only on a commercial basis, albeit at fairly reasonable prices. As before, military officers are recruited into the service in the rank that they had during their service in the army, since the army rank cannot be canceled.
Changes due to the new reform
The latest reform has expanded the boundaries of education, allowing you to get a job in the ranks of the armed forces. Now any citizen who has a specialized diploma from a civilian university of the Russian Federation can become a police officer of an officer corps.
To work as an investigator, as always, it is necessary to have a higher legal education, but to work as an inspector for juvenile affairs previously required two diplomas - legal and pedagogical, but now only a diploma of graduation from a pedagogical university is required. Also, when applying for a job, you may be required to have some experience. Therefore, it is advisable, when studying at a university, to have an internship in the police department in which you want to work and show yourself from your best side. After employment, you will have a 6-month internship and post school, so you can close your eyes to the absence of work experience, subject to successful internship.