At each enterprise, the employer must fill out a work book for employees in accordance with the rules for keeping work books. It is necessary to make entries in it not only about work, but also about the full-time or part-time education received by the employee. During the work, the specialist can improve his qualifications, and this must be recorded in the document.

It is necessary
educational document, work book of an employee or its blank form, pen, seal of the organization
Step 1
When applying for a job, a cadre employee in a blank work book, if the employee has not started it before, writes his last name, first name, patronymic, date and place of birth on the title page in accordance with the identity document. Along with this information, it is necessary to record the education of a specialist. Enter the education status of the employee (secondary, specialized secondary, secondary vocational, higher vocational) in accordance with the data of the corresponding document (diploma, certificate).
Step 2
In accordance with the instructions for maintaining work books, there is no need to make a reference to the document when an employee who is newly recruiting after completing training has not worked anywhere before.
Step 3
If the employee has improved his qualifications, the personnel officer must make an appropriate entry. It is entered along with work records. Indicate the ordinal number of the entry in Arabic numerals, the date of the beginning of training and graduation. In the information about the work, write in the name of the educational institution in which the specialist received his education. In the grounds, write the number and series of the relevant document (diploma, certificate, etc.). Certify the entry made with the seal of the company in which it was registered, write the position, surname, initials of the person in charge, sign.
Step 4
When an employee received, for example, a higher education, and presented a diploma, on the title page of his work book, in the column about education, put a comma after the entry made earlier, write higher. In the field of profession, specialty, also write the name of the specialty that the employee studied, separated by commas.
Step 5
If a specialist has received a second higher education, the status on the title page does not change, it is recommended to make changes only in the profession column on the basis of a supporting document upon presentation.