It can be difficult for the workforce to convince the head of the company to issue an award. The question is especially acute if the situation concerns the personal interests of individual employees. Here one should take into account the fact that the leader, like the subordinate, is, first of all, a person. Skillfully build a dialogue, and you will receive the key to the success of your plans. Feel free to apply the training points on the psychology of influence on others.

Step 1
Deliberately lead your boss to known positive responses.
The bottom line is that initially you ask the interlocutor such questions that automatically require the answer "Yes". Often, two “yes” answers are enough for your boss to say “yes” to your third question. Try to build preliminary questions in a rhetorical form. “We'd better start solving the issue today, right?”, “Better to minimize costs, right?”.
Step 2
The next trick comes from the marketing policy of American salespeople. It was believed that if they put their foot in the door of the house, then they would definitely sell their goods there. From a psychological point of view, this technique consists in the fact that if the opponent conceded once, agreeing to a small request, then there is a high probability that he will concede in the same way on important issues. Therefore, in order to obtain from the head of the award, first obtain any minimum concession from him. Remember how you got into big trouble, even though it all started with a harmless offer of a drink.
Step 3
Be sure to focus on the winning consequences after you receive the award. How do you redouble your diligence, how easy it will feel after fulfilling your cherished dream, how do you raise the productivity of the entire department. In general, first articulate your arguments, highlight your accomplishments, and then present your petition. If the position of the interlocutor is negative, then, if possible, begin to agree with his disagreement, and then smoothly steer towards persuasion.
Step 4
Start a dialogue of any content solely with such information that the listener will like by default.
Step 5
Emotionally and logically reinforce your speech when asking for a bonus. For centuries, subordinates have been manipulating their vocabulary of expressive forms of language precisely during petition. If you are not yet familiar with this wealth of native vocabulary, then be sure to learn all the subtleties of expression in order to become a master of filing a petition.
Step 6
Imagine a situation that several people are taking part in your conversation besides you. Keep in mind that the last phrases of the conversation will remain the clearest words in the boss's memory, so try to be the last to join the circle and end the conversation.
Step 7
If you want to achieve an ideal disposition towards yourself, then place yourself towards the interlocutor.