Is A Careerist Good Or Bad?

Is A Careerist Good Or Bad?
Is A Careerist Good Or Bad?

Eagerness to the top of the career ladder is a good quality, it is inherent in strong and decisive people. But often people in whose lives career plays a major role are very lonely and therefore unhappy.

Is a careerist good or bad?
Is a careerist good or bad?

On the one hand, a careerist is a person who understands what he wants from life. He defined his goal and systematically achieves it, sitting for hours at work, trying to do everything perfectly and thereby pave his way to the heights in the chosen field of activity. But this medal also has a downside. In the race for more wages, universal recognition and a high position, there is simply no time for personal life. And who will tolerate a person who finds time to meet with his soul mate once a month, and during a date constantly glances at his watch, speaks on the phone every now and then, and all conversations with him come down to discussing his career?

Careerist: a role model

Many should learn hard work from careerists. These people are constantly working. It seems that the careerist works even in his sleep. In order not to waste time on empty dreams, in his dreams he thinks out new marketing strategies and devises ways to modernize his world of work.

And the careerist's endurance is iron. After all, as usual, careerists do not come from the highest social strata. They have, almost from birth, to punch their way in life. Therefore, having got used to deny themselves many things over the years in order to achieve the maximum, they easily cope with incubating a project for two days without sleep or lunch.

And by the way, we must not lose sight of the fact that a true careerist really manages to achieve regular promotions. The secret here is clearly not in constant thoughts about work. For the personal qualities of a careerist are always so arranged that he manages to convince the management of the need to improve him even when there is no point in this, and neither for the careerist himself, nor for his boss.

Careerist: a person with no personal life

“I have to take the place of my boss,” the careerist tells himself every morning. And at this time years fly by, money depreciates, and his classmates become grandfathers and grandmothers. Only now a person who has chosen a career vector of the course of life for himself rarely, before the first signs of senile insanity, notices that he is clearly overworked.

It happens, of course, that workaholics-careerists on the way over the "corpses" of their colleagues meet life partners. But such marriages end either in divorce or in the transformation of a careerist into a domestic and family man. After all, a true hunter for a promotion for a new position, sadly, will put children in a pawnshop. And not a single loving life partner will tolerate this, who wants to be in second place after the "boss".

In other words, a careerist is neither good nor bad. Ideally, of course, it will not hurt to have a little careerist in yourself, but you should not completely plunge into the race for promotion, this will only lead to lonely old age and a high position, which by that time will certainly not be a joy.
