Every person in the world interacts with other people in different spheres of life. And sometimes, you have to follow certain manners and strict rules, due to the fact that some life situations require a business style of communication between people.

Business-style communication allows the exchange of skills, experience and information. A distinctive feature is the use of numerous speech standards. They are perceived as a natural belonging. The documents used in the conclusion of transactions have certain forms of presentation of the material.
Business communication in itself is an art that allows you to get in touch with business partners, overcome personal prejudices, and achieve the desired commercial result. Any communication, the result of which should be the solution of commercial problems is business.
When communicating in a business style, you should adhere to certain principles. When conducting any negotiations, the main thing is to recognize the equality and uniqueness of each of the participants. Also, when putting forward hypotheses for any of the parties, you need to remember that there is truth in every thought. But how true this truth is, the reasoning and time will already show.
In addition to principles, business communication implies adherence to rules that cannot be violated, so as not to spoil the negotiations. The main rule is that all negotiators must know at least some information about each other. If you did not manage to recognize her before starting communication, then you should introduce the partners. When meeting, you can talk about both your achievements and failures.
In order for the negotiations to proceed easily, it is necessary to create an atmosphere of openness and mutual understanding. When talking, evaluate your capabilities correctly, because this will be an excellent manifestation of the fact that you are responsible and reliable. Well, if it is difficult to achieve mutual understanding, then you can use some tricks. You can try to competently and ethically show your feelings, while remaining yourself. At the same time, it is important to understand, see and listen to your partner.
It is impossible to show excessive emotionality when negotiating with Japanese and Chinese, as well as with Western European partners. This can alienate you and not inspire confidence at all.
All business communication consists of 4 stages: establishing contact, getting acquainted, making a decision, ending contact. All stages are subject to certain rules and have their own structure.
At the first stage, there is a meeting and acquaintance of business partners, which is subject to the rules of courtesy. During this stage, you can dive a little into the questions that you have to solve. You can name the problems for which the negotiations are being held, and you can also offer to drink a cup of coffee.
You should not arrange a luxurious table for partners, as this may seem wasteful and will be an unnecessary luxury. The host can arrange drinks, and at the end of the negotiations, a modest buffet table.
After establishing contact, you can proceed to a more in-depth acquaintance with the purpose of negotiations. And only after that you can start making decisions. Each of them must be reasoned.
It is necessary to end the communication on a positive note in order to leave a good impression of yourself. But how exactly you do this depends only on you, the main thing is to adhere to the rules.