Any work involves communication with colleagues, management, couriers, and so on. Of course, during work, people only communicate on official topics related to office work. After all, there are lunch breaks, tea drinking with colleagues, smoke breaks, corporate parties and so on, that is, those events that allow you to communicate on free topics. What you can talk about with colleagues, and what topics are strictly prohibited, let's try to figure it out.

So, in order not to be considered a person of ignorant, unsuccessful and uneducated, as well as devoid of a sense of tact, you need to observe the taboo on the following topics discussed with colleagues.
One of the topics that should not be discussed with employees, even those with whom you have a good and trusting relationship. The money issue can negate even very strong friendships. For some teams, the salary may be the same, and the amount of the bonus varies greatly, it all depends on the personal qualities of the employee, the amount of work done, the personal sympathy of the boss, and so on. In order not to get into an awkward or conflict situation, it is better to keep quiet about the amount of your earnings.
Firstly, there may be an ill-wisher in the team who, at the first opportunity, will convey your words to the leader, and, secondly, it is quite possible that in a few months or years you will take the chair of the leader, it is not pleasant if your policies and decisions are the same. criticize.
Even with your best friend and colleague, you should not discuss the appearance and personal life of other employees. This will reiterate etiquette, it looks very ugly from the outside. Again, it is possible that your conversation will be passed on to the person under discussion.
What could be more interesting than savoring the life and romance of employees over a cup of tea? Of course, many ladies will not deny themselves such a pleasure. But in order to preserve the impression of a well-mannered, sane, understanding person, you should not do this, because you may also be in the place of a colleague.
Regardless of the presence of crispy bills in your wallet, you shouldn't talk about your financial situation either. Situations in life are different, but by complaining or, conversely, boasting, you can lose the image of a successful person.
Another topic that is not subject to discussion in the work team. Your colleagues do not need to know about the peculiarities of your body, chronic diseases, today's well-being, if this does not interfere with work.
If you dream of taking a manager's chair and are quietly moving in this direction, work a lot and know the process well, stop telling your colleagues about it. If there are your ill-wishers in the team, then pretty soon the bosses will find out about your plans, which can negatively affect the realization of ambitions.
Believing or not believing in God is everyone's personal business. There is no need to condemn or boast about this, because such behavior can offend the feelings of other people.
You can discuss a TV show, events in the city, cultural news, share a hobby, talk about plans for the weekend, and so on.