Everyone is familiar with such a picture, when, due to the employment of sellers, they cannot give you advice on a certain product or to pay for a purchase. If you go to the store at lunchtime, you may not find a seller. And in the evening, when everyone is rushing home from work, you can see the same picture. In addition, with the usual, standard approach, it becomes clear that one of the shifts of salespeople will have to carry out a disproportionately larger amount of work than the second. It depends on the time of receipt of the goods, on the time of checkout and on many other factors. A logical way to optimize costs can be considered building a work schedule for employees. Meanwhile, it is not difficult to draw up a work schedule for employees. This requires some simple calculations.

Step 1
It is necessary to take into account some of the calculated values that will be needed for scheduling and shift work of employees. It is worth paying attention to the amount of time spent opening, closing the store and all the procedures carried out in the store.
Step 2
It is worth roughly calculating the service time for one customer. If there are no those who can do this, then it is advisable to calculate the time yourself (you can use a stopwatch). This will help you in identifying the average service time depending on the time of day.
Step 3
In addition, it will take time to carry out some kind of operation. All this is necessary and must be taken into account. The total working time of this or that seller is added up from the total indicator. At the same time, manually (or using security camera recordings), you need to make an approximate calculation of how many customers and at what time enter the store.
Step 4
Summing up time intervals and calculating the average customer turnover will help to identify the workload of shifts. After that, it's roughly worth calculating the time spent for each. The number of employed salespeople increases or decreases depending on the average.