The document that records the dismissal of the employee is the order of the head of the enterprise. The order is an important document on the termination of labor relations and is written on the day of dismissal on a special form. After the resigning employee has been familiarized with the order against receipt, the document is deposited in the archive of the enterprise.

Step 1
The full name of the enterprise must be clearly written on the letter of dismissal. The name of the dismissed person, his position, the number of the department in which this employee worked is indicated. The date of dismissal in the order must necessarily coincide with the date of dismissal recorded in the work book.
Step 2
The reason for the dismissal is indicated. The reason for the termination of an employment contract may be different: at their own request; in connection with the expired term of the concluded contract; at the request and initiative of the head; in connection with the transition to another enterprise; refusal to work due to changed working conditions and so on.
Step 3
The dismissal order must be signed by the head of the enterprise. The quitting employee is asked to read the order and sign it. If an employee does not quit on his own initiative and does not agree with the wording and issuance of the order, then it is better not to sign it. If you refuse to sign the order, a note is put on it by an employee of the personnel department about your refusal.
Step 4
The dismissal order must be made directly on the day of dismissal. It is illegal to issue an order earlier or later this day. It is also necessary to familiarize the accounting department with the order for the accrual of funds, that is, the calculation.
Step 5
Information about the order is entered in the work book and the employee's personal card. All orders must be recorded in a special register for registration, which is maintained at each enterprise.