If your child was taken away from you and deprived of parental rights, then it will be very difficult to return the baby, but it is still possible. To do this, you will have to completely change your lifestyle, financial situation, get rid of bad habits and provide evidence in court that everything has changed not unfounded, but in documentary form.

It is necessary
- -Application to the court for the return of the child and the restoration of parental rights
- -certificate from the narcological dispensary
- -certificate from a psychiatrist
- - Act on housing of the housing commission
- - conclusion of the guardianship and guardianship authorities
- -certificate of income
- -characteristic from the place of work
- -description from the place of residence, written by the district inspector and signed by the neighbors
- -divorce certificate
- - additional information may be required
Step 1
Many people, who were not completely degraded, obtained the return of their children in court. A lawsuit for the return of the child and the restoration of parental rights must be filed against the body or institution, according to the claim of which you were deprived of parental rights and the child was taken away.
Step 2
According to article 72, clause 4 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation, the court must take into account the child's desire to return to the family.
Step 3
You need to recover from drug addiction and alcoholism and take a certificate from a medical institution that a state of stable remission has been achieved for these ailments.
Step 4
Get a job and take a certificate of income from the place of work and a testimonial for you. It will take more than one day to obtain these documents.
Step 5
Take the description of the place of residence, it should be written by the district police officer. All your neighbors will inform the court in writing that your riotous lifestyle is over and that you are an exemplary and law-abiding citizen.
Step 6
Call the housing commission. She must draw up an act on the living space, as well as whether the housing is in all respects suitable for the child's residence.
Step 7
Contact the guardianship and guardianship authorities. They will conduct a survey of your living space and its condition for raising a child. That is, it is necessary to make repairs, fix everything and buy the necessary household items for a full-fledged living of the baby. Based on the check, you will be given a certificate of results with the conclusion of the guardianship and guardianship authorities.
Step 8
If you have been awarded the payment of alimony, then they must be paid on time and in the prescribed amount.
Step 9
Show proof that the life and safety of the child is not in danger. This may be a certificate of divorce from a person who posed a threat to the life or health of the child and your life.
Step 10
After collecting all the necessary certificates and documents and applying to the court, you will be issued a court decision that the child can be returned or additional time will be assigned to approve your healthy lifestyle.