The Public Chamber of the Russian Federation controls the activities of state authorities and protects the interests of citizens of the country, ensuring the observance of their rights and freedoms. Today, the activities of this association are no longer limited to work with the central government structures, expanding and moving into regions where 63 divisions have already been created. Therefore, direct appeal to the public chamber is possible not only in Moscow, but also in the provinces.

Step 1
To begin with, choose the most convenient form of contacting the reception of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation based on your capabilities and needs. This can be done using various means of communication (telephone, mail, Internet) or personally transmit your appeal. For example, to transfer documents, it is best to come in person to the reception or use the mail services. For informing the Public Chamber about the facts known to you, the "hot line" is more suitable. Expecting to receive an answer to your appeal, use the service of the Internet reception.
Step 2
Fill out the form to contact the online reception located at Here you will need to enter information about yourself (last name, first name and patronymic) in the active fields, indicate your e-mail for communication and phone number, select the addressee of the appeal (commission, apparatus or chamber) and enter the security code to access the next page
Step 3
Provide your postal address and go to the next field, where you can leave the text of the appeal. On the site there is an opportunity to check the status of your shipment at To do this, enter the appeal number, pin-code and security code
Step 4
To transfer information, call the hotline number 8-800-700-8-800. You can make a call from anywhere in the Russian Federation for free. You just need to remember that the line's working hours are limited, so call strictly from 9:00 to 18:00.
Step 5
Send your appeal to the postal address of the Public Chamber of Russia: 125993, Moscow, GSP-3, Miusskaya square, 7, building 1. You can apply to the same address if you want to hand over the letter in person. Reception for citizens is open from 10:00 to 17:00 (on Fridays until 16:45). Don't forget the lunch break from 13:00 to 14:00.
Step 6
In addition, you can call the department at the Office of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, created to work with citizens' appeals. Telephone number in Moscow (495) 221-83-58.