How To Contact The Employment Service

How To Contact The Employment Service
How To Contact The Employment Service

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The employment service was created specifically to assist the population in finding a job. Those who apply there receive monthly unemployment benefits, employment advice and a list of vacancies.

How to contact the employment service
How to contact the employment service


  • - the passport;
  • - employment history;
  • - a document on professional qualifications;
  • - certificate from the last place of work;
  • - savings book or bank statement.


Step 1

Not only citizens of the Russian Federation, but also foreign citizens and stateless persons have the right to apply to the employment service. To do this, collect a package of necessary documents, which includes a passport, a document on professional qualifications, a work book, a certificate from the last place of work, which must indicate the average salary for the last three months, a savings book or a bank statement.

Step 2

The certificate form must be taken from the employment service or downloaded from the official website of this service in your region. For those who have not worked anywhere else, a work book and a certificate are not required. And citizens who do not have a profession provide a document on secondary education.

Step 3

Come to the employment service with the necessary documents and fill out the application form provided there. After that, hand them over to the employee who keeps the primary registration of citizens. He will enter your data into the database and tell you how long it will take to come again. Usually the first few times should be checked every three days. The subsequent time is every two weeks. A prolonged absence without a valid reason can be a reason for deregistration and termination of the payment of unemployment benefits.

Step 4

On the third registration, you will be recognized as unemployed and will be assigned benefits. The amount will depend on your last salary, the length of time you were unemployed and the reason you were fired. In any case, it cannot be less than 800 rubles and exceed 4900 rubles. This benefit is paid twice a month after registering an unemployed person at the employment service.

Step 5

The result of contacting the employment service is to receive an extract of available vacancies or lack thereof. As well as getting a referral to work. Upon receipt of the latter, apply for a referral in the first three days. And then provide the employment service with the result of the interview.
