The peculiarity of the registration of a child under 14 years old is that this does not require the consent of either the owner of the premises or other adults registered in it. It is enough that at least one of the parents has a residence permit on the same living space. Therefore, the set of documents required for registration is minimal.

It is necessary
- - birth certificate of the child and its copy;
- - an application for his registration at the place of residence (only for a newborn or when registering in a house where at least one of the parents is already registered);
- - passports of both parents and their copies;
- - a certificate from the place of residence of one of the parents who is registered at a different address that the child is not registered with him, and consent to registration (notarized or certified by the EIRTs);
- - a copy of the financial and personal account;
- - an extract from the house book.
Step 1
If you are registering a newborn with you, you first need to contact the registry office and get a birth certificate for him. To do this, you need a certificate of the established form from the maternity hospital (and if the birth took place at home - from the doctor who helped with this or from the medical institution to which the mother turned after the birth), passports of both parents and a marriage certificate.
Any parent can visit the registry office. If the father and mother are not in an official relationship, both will have to make a visit there.
You need to obtain a certificate within a month from the date of birth of the child.
Step 2
If you have passports of both parents, you can go to the passport office of the EIRTs or the territorial division of the FMS even directly from the registry office after receiving the birth certificate.
In the first month after the birth of the baby, it is prescribed at the request of the mother. In a later period, you will need a certificate from the father's place of residence that the child is not registered with him.
If the baby is prescribed to the father, the mother will have to give written consent to this and certify her signature under it at a notary or in the EIRTs.
Step 3
An extract from the house register and a copy of the financial and personal account are drawn up in the EIRTs on the day of application upon presentation of a passport with a residence permit, so that they can be obtained immediately before submitting documents for registration.
Step 4
An application for registration at the place of residence can be taken from the EIRTS and filled in by hand or downloaded from the public services portal. In the same place, after user authorization, it is available for filling through an online form.
Step 5
If the child is registered with both parents to a new address, it is enough that one of them (usually the mother) will enter the data on him in the appropriate section of his application for registration at the place of residence and include the birth certificate in the general set of documents for registration of the family …