A manager is an employee of a lower, middle or higher level, whose duties include planning, organizing, managing and controlling the activities of the company or one of its divisions.

Step 1
Managers are divided into three hierarchical categories: lower-level managers, middle-level managers, and top-level managers. Another parameter by which managers can be divided is specialization. For example, a distinction is made between sales managers, logistics managers, purchasing managers, personnel managers, financial managers, etc. In any case, a manager is a manager, a boss.
Step 2
Most of the leaders can be attributed to the lower-level managers; it is from this position that managers most often begin their careers. This category includes bosses who directly supervise employees. These include foremen, heads of departments in stores, sales managers, who are subordinate to sales representatives (agents), etc. The educational level of the lower-level manager does not matter.
Step 3
The next level is the middle manager who manages the downstream managers. To take this position, it is advisable to have a higher education diploma. Depending on the size of the organization, the number of levels of such managers varies. Middle managers are the branch director, the head of the sales department, etc.
Step 4
The smallest group of managers is represented by senior managers. These include the general director of the company, the director of the store, the rector of the university, the chairman of the board of directors. To work effectively in this position, you need serious experience and higher education, and often not even one.