You can get a certificate of lack of ownership at the territorial division of Rosreestr. Information about the absence of real estate in a particular individual is provided in the form of an extract.

Citizens need a certificate of lack of property when they apply to various government agencies for certain benefits, queuing up for housing, participation in federal and regional programs. At the same time, the presence of this certificate implies that a person does not have real estate, since only information about it is officially registered and entered into a single register. This document is maintained by Rosreestr and its territorial divisions (regional offices and departments). It is to these units that you should contact for information about the absence of property. At the same time, the above authorities cannot refuse to provide an extract upon request, since the information entered in the register is open and is provided for a fee to everyone.
What do I need to do to get help?
To obtain an extract confirming that a person does not have real estate, you should contact the nearest division of Rosreestr or the Cadastral Chamber, which also performs the functions of providing information. The specialist will need a handwritten statement asking for a certificate of the absence of property in a particular citizen, his passport or other identity document, as well as a receipt or payment order confirming the payment for the provision of information. Details for making a payment can be found on the official website of the Rosreestr Office of the region in which the information is requested. If the application is submitted not by the citizen himself, but by his representative, then you will also need to present a power of attorney with the appropriate authority.
What to do in case of refusal to provide information?
Refusal to provide a certificate of absence of ownership is issued in writing, therefore the applicant can appeal this act in court. In practice, such refusals are quite rare, since if the request or the attached documents are incorrectly completed, the specialist immediately informs the applicant about this and suggests making the necessary changes. An application for the provision of an extract for a specific person can also be submitted in electronic form, which will require the use of a personal account on the portal of public services.
Before submitting an application, it is recommended to carefully study the regulations governing the process of interaction with government agencies that request a certificate of lack of ownership. In most cases, the competent authorities should receive this document on their own (within the framework of interdepartmental interaction), and not shift the responsibility for obtaining it onto citizens.