Everyone knows that the result of an organization's work depends on the effectiveness of each employee and their correct interaction with each other. The task of the leader is to find effective techniques and ways to motivate subordinates in order to increase profits.

To solve this problem, the head needs to develop and use an effective personnel and economic policy in his work. By hiring employees not only of the appropriate level of competence, but also those with intrinsic motivation, it is possible to significantly increase the effectiveness of work.
It is impossible to motivate an employee who does not like his job. At this stage, you need to determine what your future employee wants to get at work. Usually, in addition to decent wages, a wide social package, career growth, training, advanced training, business trips within the country and abroad, employees want respect, recognition of their merits, and opportunities for self-realization.
Also, within the framework of personnel work, it is possible to increase the motivation of employees with the help of a competent corporate culture and ideological work that maintains a psychologically healthy microclimate in the team, as much as possible excluding conflict situations. Joint trips to nature, excursions, sporting events, visits to fitness centers and swimming pools bring employees closer together, which has a beneficial effect on interaction at work.
With the help of a competent regulation on remuneration, which presupposes the possibility of using modern flexible systems of payment and material motivation, it is also possible to increase the interest of employees in the results of the organization's activities. A great effect in this direction is provided by the introduction of indicators of bonuses, not only quantitative, but also qualitative. Qualitative indicators are developed separately for all services, departments by the head of the corresponding unit and allow a more fair assessment of the contribution of each employee.
Then, using human and economic levers, it is necessary to use management methods to teach subordinates to measure the success of the work done, raise awareness about the activities of the organization, asking them about the results of their work and giving them the opportunity to make individual decisions on their own.