No matter how much we earn, these funds will never be enough. Paradoxically, the higher the salary, the more needs awakening in us, the implementation of which costs a lot of money. Or maybe, speaking about your small income, you are slightly exaggerating? Or, on the contrary, is there really a reason for complaints, since the employer put you in bondage? Try to assess your reward impartially.

Step 1
Find out the cost of living and the average wage in the village in which you live. Moreover, these should not be official data, which, as a rule, are exaggerated, but facts that reflect the harsh reality. Depending on the result of the comparison, you will have cause for joy or sadness.
Step 2
Open an ad newspaper or go to the "Work" section on the Internet. Find vacancies for which you can legitimately apply (a position similar to the one in which you are currently working, or a place where you could be accepted with your experience and education). If the monetary reward that you are promised will be much more than your current one, it means that where you work at the moment, you are simply not appreciated. However, when looking for suitable vacancies, you should pay attention to the city in which the company's office is located. If the employer promises a salary that is twice or three times your current earnings, it is quite possible that you are invited to Moscow or another large city with a developed infrastructure. And in these cities, as you know, not only the level of wages is higher, but in general life is much more expensive.
Step 3
You can estimate your own salary by drawing analogies with the monetary remuneration of your colleagues. If the difference in monthly payments is large enough while performing almost the same duties, try to find out how this could have happened. Perhaps your colleagues are given bonuses for seniority, rank, completing additional courses, etc.
Step 4
You can estimate the size of your own salary by inviting friends to a cafe. Look how they look, what they have arrived, what they order … Based on these simple observations, a lot can be said about a person. Be observant and draw conclusions.