In order to correctly and qualitatively evaluate the work of your department, you do not need to be a genius and understand the subtle psychology of workers. Just look at the plan … Or is there something else? Let's start in order.

Step 1
Firstly, the plan approved by the management is not always correct, more often it is too high. You need to try to really look at the opportunities, if you work in sales, study the market of neighboring cities, find out how much they manage to sell with their population. You must understand how many percent of the plan you must fulfill.
Step 2
Second, highlight the areas that employees need to understand. Choose a time, conduct training, pay attention to the questions that employees will ask you, and then conduct a test. The percentage of employees correct answers will give you the percentage of your department's health.
Step 3
Thirdly, the department can be assessed by the parameter of team cohesion. If the department resembles a fable about cancer, a swan and a pike, then it is better to change personnel. The team must be a single whole, go in one direction. All the more, conflicts are unacceptable. Remove one spokesperson and you won't recognize your department.
Step 4
Fourth, pay attention to the habits that are prevalent in the department. How many times a tea party takes place, where does it take place, how many snacks are held, how many employees smoke, how many times a day, how much time it takes. Take a look, do not be lazy, which of the employees is on social networks during work. Evaluate all these parameters, and estimate what percentage of time disappears from the working day. It will also show the efficiency of the department.
Step 5
Fifth, notice how the department celebrates holidays. These can be employees' birthdays, vacation dates, holidays according to the calendar. Make sure that if the party starts at lunchtime, which is often the case, the rest of the day will no longer be productive. Talk to employees, discuss this point. Shift the celebration into the evening.