In ancient China, there was an unusual method of punishment. The guilty person was put in a cramped room for a long time, where he could only lie or sit. A few months later, the prisoner became so weak that he could not move on his own, because his muscles were atrophied from constant immobility. And many of us punish ourselves willingly.

How much do you need to pass per day
The average office worker who commutes to work in his car walks no more than three kilometers per day, which equates to approximately 5,000 steps. This is extremely small. To feel "satisfactory", you need to walk about ten thousand steps a day.
According to the results of a 2001 study, it was proved that sedentary obese women with hypertension for 5 months of walking reduced body weight and blood pressure, making only 10 thousand steps at an arbitrary speed. On average, this is equal to a distance of seven kilometers, which you can walk slowly in an hour and a half, and at a fast pace you need to walk up to 30 minutes daily.
Wellness walking
The main principle of recreational walking is its systematic and gradual nature. Nowadays, this is the most acceptable type of physical activity. At the same time, healthy people should focus on pace, and weakened and elderly people should focus on the duration of walking. It is necessary to control the state of the body by the heart rate after walking and by the time it stabilizes to a normal level.
Slimming walking
Today brisk walking as a weight loss method is becoming more and more popular. But in order to achieve results, it is necessary to walk up to ten thousand steps daily. You need to start with short distances, gradually increasing the pace, thus burning more calories. Ideally, you need to walk a kilometer in 12-14 minutes. It is recommended to walk at such a speed that while walking you can speak calmly, but not sing. An excellent method of losing weight is walking up (up the stairs or just uphill).
Nordic walking
New-fashioned Nordic walking is very similar to the movement of skiers, because a person walks with two sticks in his hands, pushing them off the ground. In this case, the arms are in antiphase with the legs, and the use of sticks increases the length of the stride and forces the upper body to strain harder.
With Scandinavian walking, the arms are under a rather heavy load, thus, almost all the muscles of the body are simultaneously worked out, which makes it possible to burn many times more calories than with a simple forward movement. In addition, hands with sticks take up to 30% of the blows usually falling on the back and knees.
Race walking
The rule of walking is to avoid running at maximum speed. In this case, one of the feet must be in contact with the ground. Due to the high cadence and stride length, the walking speed is much higher than normal. Considered an official sport, race walking is within the power of physically well-prepared people.