How To Decide Whether To Write A Statement Of Claim To Court

How To Decide Whether To Write A Statement Of Claim To Court
How To Decide Whether To Write A Statement Of Claim To Court

Sometimes situations happen in life, which can only be settled in court. In these cases, a person needs to decide whether to go to court.

How to decide whether to write a statement of claim to court
How to decide whether to write a statement of claim to court

When is it advisable to go to court

Currently, any citizen of the Russian Federation can go to court if he believes that his rights have been violated. In this case, both an individual and a legal entity can act as the defendant. The rights of every Russian are reflected in the Constitution. If a person believes that illegal actions have been committed against him, he can write a statement to the court.

People often start to wonder whether they should go to the courts at all. As a rule, they are afraid of the lengthy procedure for submitting documents, the need to attend meetings. In addition, there is no guarantee that the judgment will be in favor of the plaintiff and then enforced by the bailiff service. Unfortunately, the system is currently designed in such a way that litigation can be time-consuming. This is what stops many people from asserting their rights. However, if a person is confident that he will ultimately win the lawsuit, he should not be afraid of losing precious personal time.

Each person must independently decide whether to try to resolve the conflict in court. Meanwhile, lawyers believe that it is imperative to defend your rights. If the law is on the side of a potential plaintiff, then you can safely go to court.

When applying to the judicial authorities, a person has a hope that justice will still prevail. In addition, in this way, you can punish the defendant by clearly showing him that you will have to answer before the law for any illegal actions.

Before deciding to submit an application, it is worthwhile to independently study the current legislation, and even better consult with a specialist. The ideal option is to speak directly with the judge. Now this can be done on specialized forums.

Rules for going to court

Having made a decision on the need for litigation, you need to remember that the statement of claim must be filed with the district court at the place of registration of the defendant. In some cases, it is necessary to go to an arbitration court. As a rule, property disputes are considered in an arbitration court.

The plaintiff may need the help of experienced lawyers when drafting a statement of claim and during court hearings. It is advisable to think about this in advance and find a competent lawyer.

If, before the start of the trial or during the court hearings, the defendant decides to settle the dispute amicably, then the plaintiff has the right to agree to an amicable agreement and refuse further court proceedings.
