How To Write An Article In A Short Time

How To Write An Article In A Short Time
How To Write An Article In A Short Time

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Since the Internet entered people's lives, the profession of a copywriter has joined one of the oldest and invariably popular professions of a journalist. If a journalist can still afford (and even then not always) work on the creation of an article for quite a long time, then for a copywriter the ability to write quickly and efficiently is almost the main component of professional success.

How to write an article in a short time
How to write an article in a short time


Step 1

In order to create an interesting article in a short time, you need to draw up a clear work plan. First, you need to accurately determine the topic of the future article. It should be borne in mind that it should cover one, and not two, three or several topics.

Step 2

The key to the success of the future article will be an interesting headline that immediately attracts the attention of the reader. Next, you should make an announcement or lead - a summary of the article, set out in two or three sentences. The announcement is in the first paragraph and should flow directly from the headline and support it. Often, the announcement and title are more important than the article itself. If the article is written for a specific search query, then the title can be either the verbatim wording of this query, or it, but diluted in other words.

Step 3

The main points of the article need to be reflected in several phrases. Then, with their help, you should outline the outline of the article. If it turns out that he accurately and consistently reflects its main idea, you can go directly to the creation of the text.

Step 4

One paragraph should be written on the basis of each phrase from which the plan is made. The paragraphs should be about the same size, so they look better and easier for the reader to understand. If individual paragraphs turn out to be significantly larger or smaller than the rest, you need to return to the plan and revise the selected phrases.

Step 5

It should be remembered that the classical structure of the article resembles the familiar structure of a school essay. It consists of an introduction that briefly reveals the main idea of the text, a main part divided into several sub-paragraphs, and a conclusion, which summarizes and draws conclusions based on the content of the main part.

Step 6

Next, you need to remove all unnecessary from the finished text. This applies to prepositions, introductory words and qualifying members of a sentence. Sometimes it is necessary to remove the last sentence - it often turns out to be completely redundant and does not carry any semantic meaning.

Step 7

In conclusion, you need to re-read the text several times (it is better to do it aloud at least once), remove repetitions, correct stylistic errors, carefully check spelling and punctuation.

Step 8

The article is ready! It remains only to check it for uniqueness, and then send it to the customer, place it on the exchange or publish it on the appropriate resource.
