Almost all people can build a successful career, since everyone has opportunities. But only a select few succeed in realizing this potential. Hard honest work, many years of experience, increased responsibility and deep knowledge are important components of career growth, but, as life shows, they are not the only ones. To advance, grow in a short time, you need to know some rules and secrets.

Step 1
Choose the right company (organization, enterprise). Recruiting agency experts argue that growth in a short time is most likely in innovative areas (information technology, Internet business), as well as in companies operating in traditional industries. For example, in the field of tourism, catering, retail and telecommunications. And, of course, a quick and successful start-up can be done in the field of sales in the financial sector. So if you want to advance from a junior position to a top manager in a short time, choose a small company, innovative or traditional industry and - go for it.
Step 2
Get your job done quickly. The higher your speed, the more energy and inner strength you have. So, a good speed of work of thought ensures a sharpness and sharpness of mind, high fruitfulness and successful implementation of creative ideas. Do not hesitate to demonstrate your abilities to the management, so very soon you will become a valuable employee for him, and there you are not far from promotion.
Step 3
When doing work quickly, don't forget about quality. Work done in the shortest possible time without loss of quality is worth a lot. At the same time, the more important tasks of the company you solve, the faster, and most importantly, urgently you must take on it and certainly bring it to the end. Practice shows that an employee who is not burdened with a bunch of diplomas, but is responsive to a constantly changing environment, does not tolerate slowness and inhibition in business, is able to quickly bypass an employee who is gifted with talents and two higher educations, but who takes up business only when his hands reach. Success comes to those who are purposeful and active.
Step 4
From the very first days of work in the company, secure your reputation as an employee who can be entrusted with urgent work and who will certainly perform it in the shortest possible time and with high quality. A reputation as a reliable, productive and responsible employee will allow you to quickly climb the career ladder.
Step 5
Be diplomatic. Before you open your mouth, think carefully about how you will present information to others. This should not be confused and indistinct nonsense or nonsense, as well as a speech rudely criticizing anyone. Respect your audience, speak clearly, clearly, to the point. Do not dismiss the advice of colleagues, be able to listen to opponents. Defend your opinion correctly, without aggression and neglect, confidently and reasoned.
Step 6
Participate in corporate events, be cheerful and active at them. Do not abuse alcohol (this will be noted) and do not be cheeky. But avoid corporate conspiracies and gossip like the plague, do not succumb to provocations, do not join any groups.