Self-reliance, the ability to take risks, as well as the ability to be creative about business, will help over time in starting a business. Entrepreneurship is difficult, but possible. The main thing is to understand all the issues well.

Legal framework for entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurship is an independent proactive economic activity aimed at making a profit.
The development of market relations in Russia became the starting point for the manifestation of economic independence of a significant number of people. This was largely due to the desire to survive, not to get lost in the difficult conditions of a changed life, to find their place in the new structure of economic and social relations.
Economists call entrepreneurial ability the fourth production factor, showing their importance for the successful combination and use of other factors (land, capital, labor).
Everything that an entrepreneur produces is intended for consumers. It should be noted here that the social and economic aspects of entrepreneurship are interrelated. The economic aspect lies in the fact that an entrepreneur, while producing a product, wants to make a profit from selling it. The social aspect is based on the fact that in the process of labor activity, the living conditions of people and social relations are revived.
Entrepreneurial legal relationship
They represent public relations in the field of entrepreneurship, as well as related non-commercial relations and relations for state control of the market economy. State control is carried out by a fairly wide range of laws and regulations.
Sources of business law:
- The Constitution of the Russian Federation, - a number of codes of the Russian Federation: Civil, Budgetary, Criminal, Tax, On Administrative Offenses.
Certain issues are regulated by federal laws. The laws that establish state requirements for entrepreneurial activity are, for example, the Laws of the Russian Federation "On state registration of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs", "On licensing of certain types of activities."
The principle of the diversity of forms of ownership, their legal equality and the equality of their protection is described in Article 8 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation: "In the Russian Federation, private, state, municipal and other forms of property are recognized and protected in an equal manner." Priorities and preferences in the protection of a certain form of property cannot be established. The variety of forms of ownership develops in various organizational forms of entrepreneurship.