The telephone interview, of course, loses in objectivity to personal communication. The hiring party does not have the opportunity to assess the person's appearance, his manner of dressing and behaving. However, there are also advantages: a telephone conversation will be an order of magnitude shorter, in addition, it does not require “interrupting” a person from business - an applicant for a position can pass such a survey without leaving home.

- - own resume;
- - pen;
- - notebook;
- - basic package of documents (passport, pension certificate);
- - Internet access (optional).
Step 1
Get ready to call. This does not mean that you need to constantly be near the telephone set - on the contrary, answering too quickly can somewhat embarrass the caller. Make sure that no one bothers you during the conversation and that everything you may need is at hand (indicated in the corresponding field nearby). Of course, the employer should also be concerned about the same, who, among other things, will be the leading party in the conversation and should plan its course.
Step 2
Stick to the rules of business communication. Since personal contact is not implied, you can be judged by only one criterion - voice and manner of speaking. Take your time, articulate words clearly and formulate thoughts before you start speaking. Expand the lexicon: instead of the usual "yes" you can say "of course", and "then" can be replaced by "in this case." This, in part aristocratic, manner of conversation will give you the impression of a serious, well-read and businesslike person.
Step 3
The employer, despite the fact that he is the leading party, should take care of the comfort of the interlocutor. Make sure he has time to talk and that he is still interested in the job. Contrary to popular belief, if you decide that an employee is not suitable for you, you must definitely inform him about it: the abstract phrase “we will call you” leaves a person in a state of expectation and uncertainty.
Step 4
Try to anticipate the questions you will be asked. First of all, these may be associated with controversial points in your resume (the reason for dismissal from the last job is not indicated; the desired salary is not indicated). Secondly, the employer can check your qualifications (for example, clarify which programming languages you speak and at what level). Also, keep your schedule close at hand for the next few days: if you get an appointment in person, you will quickly find out what time it is best to do it.