One of the main stages of pre-selection is a telephone interview. If the conversation goes very well, there is a chance of getting a job. Before calling an employer, it is necessary not only to know the rules of colloquial etiquette, but also to prepare in advance for the conversation.

If an unsuccessfully completed resume can be simply rewritten, then an incorrectly spoken word at an interview, especially if it is a phone call, can nullify all career plans.
What you need to know about a phone interview?
The hallmark of a phone interview is the lack of eye contact. We are so used to trusting our eyes that sometimes we don’t believe the speeches. But since in this situation we cannot please the employer outwardly, then competent speech will come to the rescue.
Not all of us have a unique voice, but often this is not required. A telephone interview is a preliminary probe of the situation. The conversation includes not only important information, but also personal emotions from both sides. When speaking with the direct employer or his assistant, you need to make the right impression. But what should this impression be?
It's a good idea to take into account the specifics of the chosen job. If you are applying for a job where frequent business negotiations are coming, then you cannot do without knowledge of business etiquette, including telephone. But if in the course of work you have to communicate with the elderly and the disabled, then you will need a note of compassion, the ability to translate the conversation in the right direction, and unobtrusively persuade. You must demonstrate this from the first phrase of the conversation.
What does the employer pay attention to?
1. Punctuality, in case of preliminary agreement about the call.
2. Adequacy and manner of the applicant's conversation.
3. Speech.
4. Ability to listen and express your thoughts.
5. Confidence in voice, awareness of one's own intentions.
6. Interest in vacancies.
7. Compliance with the desired position.
If the employer calls himself
When you call yourself, that is, time to get together internally and tune in to the conversation, but what if the call sounded at an unexpected moment? Four postulates come to the rescue here:
- brevity;
- composure;
- politeness;
- truthfulness.
Clarify the purpose of the call and immediately give a substantive answer. Do not say too much, it is better to delay the conversation for a few seconds, do not interrupt the interlocutor. Don't be afraid of pauses. If an unexpected call finds you in the wrong place, do not be afraid to reschedule the conversation: offer to call back a little later or at a certain time. If you are not interested in this call, refuse immediately.
What is important to do during a conversation?
Another feature of a telephone conversation is its brevity. Usually, no more than 20 minutes are allocated for an interview, and sometimes only 5-7. During this time, it is advisable to do the following:
- find out details about a vacancy;
- decide if a similar position is right for you;
- if there are big doubts, then it is better to immediately refuse to continue the negotiations;
- to clarify the exact work schedule, size and schedule of remuneration payments;
- find out the correct name of the organization, its address and contact details;
- ask the name of the person you are talking to;
- discuss the place and time of the meeting for further interviewing;
- ask for the name of the person who will be at the meeting;
- if in doubt about the exact location of the address, do not hesitate to ask the area or other landmark in the area;
- to understand if this is a real job or another scam.
Some more tips
Make a list of questions that you should get answers to and a list of questions that you may be asked. Determine for yourself a time when you are free to further interview. Learn to say no in time, do not be afraid to ask if you did not understand something the first time. The environment in the room also matters. Choose a place where no one will disturb you, sit comfortably at the table, prepare a notebook, make sure the telephone is working properly. And remember that even if you were refused, this is still a result, at least you have had experience with a telephone interview.