The interview is a key step in hiring. Even if the employer liked your resume, inappropriate interview behavior can ruin the whole experience.

An interview is a kind of test. The employer is looking at you, and you are looking at him. Therefore, communication plays a very important role here. When interviewing, an employer may have likes or dislikes towards certain job seekers. And often it is not the one who prepared the best resume that gets the job, but the one who showed himself on a good side at the interview.
The attitude towards a person develops even before he entered the negotiation room. Attach an employer or HR manager to you even at the stage of a phone call. Communicate politely and correctly, be sure to thank for the call. If you have submitted your resume to several companies, it is quite possible that you will forget about some of them. Don't show your forgetfulness when you call with an interview invitation - you can look at company information later. It is also not very correct to ask the employer about how to get to the place of work. For this, there are Internet maps with automatic routing.
Before arriving for an interview, study the information about the company, its history and goals. This will allow you to better understand the tasks you are performing.
As for delays, no one is safe from them. Being late for an interview can seriously set an employer against you, but if you are late, be sure to report it. It is better to do this by phone than by SMS. Be sure to explain the reason for the delay and tell me when you will be.
When planning an interview, pay attention to your physical appearance. You should look business-like, but not too boring. An attractive appearance is quite capable of endearing an employer or HR manager to you. To avoid embarrassing situations, dress appropriately for the company and position you are applying for. Agree that the dress code of a children's animator and a bank employee is significantly different. Still, there are some universal rules: say "no" to sportswear and shoes, provocative, unkempt clothing. You shouldn't go to an interview with large bags or packages.
So you're in for an interview. The most important stage has come. What it will be depends on the employer and the policy of the company. Somewhere they will just talk to you, and in another place they will offer you to complete test tasks or show your professional aptitude. The main thing here is to be friendly and not to worry. Remember that the employer is not an evil animal that wants to eat you, but just a living person with whom you can and should communicate. You can even make a joke or tell an interesting story from your life, if you see that it is appropriate. But what you definitely don't need to do: be rude, withdrawn, get too nervous, refuse to answer questions, interrupt the employer, be arrogant.
Consider employer interview responses in advance. Most often they ask about work experience, life goals, main advantages and disadvantages, especially major achievements.
After the employer has talked with you, you can ask questions of interest. After the interview, you should have a clear idea of the work schedule, requirements and responsibilities, reporting procedures, the number of people in subordination and the position of the immediate supervisor, the procedure for registration and the level of salary. Ask if paid leave and sick leave are provided, how bonuses are accrued, and if you will have to stay overwork. Do not hesitate to ask about money - this is the main goal of your work. And remember, if at the interview you realized that the job is not suitable for you, immediately tell the employer about it. It's better than promising to think it over and then not answering calls. Successful search!