An interview or interview is one of the most important elements in recruiting. This exam is not only for the candidate, but also for the novice personnel officer. In order for the company to acquire an excellent specialist thanks to you, you need to prepare for the interview.

Preliminary preparation for the interview
Before the interview, carefully study the candidate's resume and documents in your possession. Make a note of any points you need to clarify, such as work experience or education. Write down all the qualities that a candidate needs for an existing job (for example, sociability, ability to work in a team), think over ways to check their presence (observation, tests).
Think through all the questions you will ask. It is most logical to ask open-ended questions that require a detailed answer. in this case, the candidate will have to tell, give examples. "I would like to know what you will do in such a situation …", "Please tell us how you …" - your open-ended questions should start something like this.
How to conduct an interview
At the first stage of the interview, introduce yourself to the candidate and briefly tell about the company in which you work, its specifics, tasks, achievements and methods of remuneration for good work. At this stage, it is important to make a favorable impression on the candidate. In addition, you must give the applicant information that he can rely on during the interview. For example, you said that it is customary in a company to be customer-centric. Pay attention to whether the candidate will emphasize this when talking about themselves.
At the second stage, ask prepared questions, allowing the candidate to open up, to speak. If you disagree with him on something, you should not start a discussion. Ask clarifying questions if the information provided by the candidate seems incomplete to you.
One of the best methods for getting as much information as possible is to be silent. If you remain silent, the interviewer will be forced to go into more detail. This method is difficult not only for the test subject, but also for the personnel officer, but you will be able to appreciate the resourcefulness, stress resistance and other personal qualities of the candidate.
In some cases, job seekers are too talkative, to translate the interview in the right direction, use reflexive questions: "Our time is limited, so we should move on to the next point, right?" The candidate's reflexive response is agreement, and you can ask the next question.
Take notes during the interview. Note the applicant's clothing style, presentation skills, manners, etc. Many important qualities in work are revealed during an interview - these are enthusiasm, energy, self-confidence. Questions on abstract topics - sports, literature, politics, hobbies, etc. - will help you get additional information about the candidate, his aspirations, desire to improve, etc.
At the end of the interview, thank the applicant and promise to report the results of the interview as soon as possible.