Why Do You Need Workplace Certification

Why Do You Need Workplace Certification
Why Do You Need Workplace Certification

To check the suitability of an employee for the position held, many employers carry out certification. For personnel, it is necessary to move up the career ladder, for managers of enterprises - to assess the results of the labor functions performed by specialists, the effectiveness of the activities of one or another employee.

Why do you need workplace certification
Why do you need workplace certification

Certification should be carried out at intervals of no more than once a year, at least once every three years. It depends on the category of a particular employee. For its organization, certain costs are required. After all, it is necessary to draw up a lot of documents, create and pay for the activities of the certification commission. Often, companies invite employees of the certification center.

The rules for conducting certification are determined specifically for each enterprise, but when writing a local regulatory act, you need to be guided by the approved regulations No. 470/267 of 1973-05-10.

Certification should be carried out in the form of tests, ratings. The attestation commission prepares questions for employees in accordance with the labor function prescribed in the employment contract, the required qualifications, education for a specific position.

Certification of the company's personnel should be carried out by those employees who have clearly defined job responsibilities. Specialists who work in the company for less than a year, pregnant women, women with children under one year old, as well as employees who do not require special qualifications to perform their job functions, for example, janitors, cleaners, etc., cannot be included in the list of certified ones.

As a result of certification, the employer can conclude that it is necessary to train personnel if the employees do not have enough special knowledge on the positions they hold. If the employee corresponds to the job function performed, and his knowledge and work experience allow him to work in a higher position, then the head of the enterprise has the right to raise him. Thus, the specialist will move up the career ladder.

If, according to the results of certification, the employee showed his inadequacy for the position held, unsuitable qualifications, then the employer has the right to offer him another job within two months. If the employee does not agree with the transfer, relocation, then the head of the company can dismiss him under Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

When the employee, as a result of the certification, fully complies with the function performed, the employer must leave him in the same place. If necessary, the head of the company has the right to change the terms of the employment contract. He is allowed to change some labor functions, salary, allowances, by concluding an additional agreement to the contract. Moreover, this can be done only with the consent of the employee.

For the employer, certification is necessary in order to determine the efficiency and effectiveness of the work of each employee, to evaluate the activities of each employee of the organization.
