Certification of workplaces is more voluntary than mandatory these days. But most employers, as well as owners of private businesses, try not to shy away from certification in order to provide their employees with good working conditions.

Certification of workplaces is a procedure required in order to confirm the compliance of a workplace with all labor protection requirements.
What is workplace certification and what is it for?
On January 1, 2014, a new law “On special assessment of working conditions” No. 426-FZ, adopted on December 28, 2013, came into force. In accordance with this bill, the certification itself was canceled. Now a declaration is being made that the created working conditions meet all the established standards in the field of labor protection. But, nevertheless, after the declaration is carried out, a workplace certificate is still issued.
Certification is carried out by specialized organizations. These can be centers of expertise, laboratories that have received appropriate accreditation and the right to conduct assessment work. Only the workplace that can be attributed to the optimal or at least acceptable class of the created working conditions is subject to certification. Thanks to certification, full-fledged working conditions are provided, which are necessary for the safe work of employees of a particular organization (company). It should be noted that certification is carried out solely based on certification of workplaces.
In turn, attestation, which precedes certification, allows:
- to identify the influence of production factors that is dangerous for workers;
- to determine the low-quality organization of labor protection.
Job certification today
Today in Russia there are about a hundred workplace certification systems. But the main thing to note is that certification is completely voluntary and mandatory. Mandatory certification in the Russian Federation was introduced in 2002, when the first relevant law was published.
If a few years earlier only mandatory certification of workplaces was carried out, today this is carried out on a voluntary basis (mostly). Thus, the employer (director of a firm, company) has the opportunity to independently choose an organization that will carry out certification and certification of comfortable workplaces. Voluntary certification is not only an inspection and assessment of workplaces, but also assistance in improving working conditions, assistance in eliminating inconsistencies.
In order to apply to a particular body with a request for voluntary certification of workplaces, it is recommended to study the register of all registered systems (organizations) of voluntary certification.