Conflict situations can arise in any team, because you have to communicate with different people, and the point of view on different situations may not coincide. The ability to resolve controversial issues is the most valuable quality that characterizes a strong personality. In addition, constructive dialogue is beneficial to everyone and leads to the development of the enterprise as a whole.

Step 1
If you have not managed to prevent a conflict situation, learn to behave correctly. This will help to painlessly and as quickly as possible resolve all issues, the point of view on which did not coincide with those of colleagues.
Step 2
Calm down, discard all emotions, soberly appreciate the situation. In order not to rashly say too much, leave your study or office for a few minutes, take a deep breath, look from the outside at the situation and ways to resolve it.
Step 3
Try to calmly discuss all controversial issues in a friendly manner. Give reasons for your reasons. Do not raise your voice, in a clear sequence state everything that you are proposing.
Step 4
Listen carefully to the arguments of the other party. Try to understand what really benefits you and your business. Only a positive dialogue can lead to a constructive solution to the problem. If each side in a conflict situation insists on its own, without delving into what the other conflicting side offers, this will not lead to a solution to the problem.
Step 5
Tune in to a positive solution to the problem. Despite controversial situations, general troubles and misunderstandings, you still have to continue to work in the same team. Hostile relationships lead to constant stress, and stress inevitably leads to chronic illness. Therefore, it is in the interests of the conflicting parties to clarify all the controversial issues once and for all and put an end to it, not an ellipsis.
Step 6
Look for a compromise solution. In the future, try to avoid conflict situations, for this you will have to find the reason that led to the misunderstanding.
Step 7
To resolve conflict situations with the leadership, remember that the orders of the commander are not discussed. Gently and benevolently, giving as many arguments as possible, try to express your point of view, but if senior management demands otherwise, the employee is obliged to comply with all requirements, no matter what. Disputes with superiors are inappropriate.