What Is Privacy

What Is Privacy
What Is Privacy

The concept of confidentiality is used quite often, but when speaking this word, a person sometimes does not understand what it means. The word "confidentiality" is used in different areas of life.

What is privacy
What is privacy

Privacy these days

Confidentiality is translated from Latin as trust in something. Closest to the word "confidential" can be the word "secret", that is, any information unknown to a person.

Today, the phrase "confidentiality of information" is most often encountered. Confidentiality of information is keeping confidential any information transmitted to you by anyone. After signing a non-disclosure agreement, you have no right to divulge his secrets without the owner's permission. Laws can also impose restrictions on the degree of disclosure of information, for example, the option on personal data that is used in social networks. On the other hand, in some states, when requested by law enforcement agencies, your personal data will be declassified.

Confidentiality is divided into voluntary and compulsory. Voluntary means the consciousness of a person, his personal opinion about this information, the realization that its disclosure is inappropriate. Forced - controlled by a signed contract, sometimes a person is monitored to maintain secrecy.

Confidentiality in legislation

To resolve controversial issues in the legislation of any country, there is a special clause that stipulates the terms of confidentiality in different situations that may arise in society.

Of great importance is the fact that each country has different privacy laws. For example, there are some differences in the Russian Federation and Ukraine. Ukrainian law brings a more meaningful framework to the word "confidentiality" and it is more difficult to access such information than in Russia. On the other hand, in Ukraine this law is implemented much worse than in the Russian Federation.

In the Russian Federation, this issue is regulated by the law "On Information, Informatization and Information Protection", which defines the concept of confidentiality. The main points of the law have been described in the section above.

One of the important points is the concealment of personal information if it threatens the life or health of a person. This concept stipulates the witness protection program, where this amendment to the law is most often used. In such a situation, personal information is available only to a limited circle of persons, for everyone else it is classified as "secret". Amendments to the law are also used in other similar cases, most often they are of state importance.
