Almost every organization uses sales and purchase agreements in its work. Naturally, in order to conclude this or that agreement with the buyer, it is necessary to offer him cooperation. It is for this purpose that the offer serves. It is very important to draw it up correctly, since it is on the basis of the information that the counterparty will decide whether or not to conclude an agreement with you.

Step 1
The offer can be drawn up both in writing and orally. There is also a public view of the document, that is, exhibiting product samples at the points of sale.
Step 2
Before drawing up this document, it is necessary to think over all the conditions, you can also draft a preliminary contract and draw up an offer on it.
Step 3
When using the written form, it is drawn up in any form on the letterhead of the organization. In practice, the following procedure for drawing up an offer is often used: in the upper right corner, you need to write the addressee, for example, Ivan Ivanovich Ivanovich, the Head of Vostok LLC. Next, you need to write "Offer" at the bottom in the center. You can also specify the serial number of the document.
Step 4
Then comes the main text, namely the commercial proposal. The text can be as follows: LLC "Siberia" invites you to conclude a sale and purchase agreement on the following conditions … ".
Step 5
After that, very important information is written, both for you and for your buyer. Cooperation depends on the conditions for concluding an agreement. First you need to write the name of the product. It will be good if you indicate the number according to GOST, for example, timber (GOST 8486-86). Next, you should indicate the price of the product, or better for each unit, for example, 5000 rubles per 1 m3.
Step 6
Then indicate the terms of delivery, that is, by whose vehicle the goods are exported. The payment terms will also be important information. Some organizations may postpone the payment for a longer period, and some require 100% prepayment. Also indicate in what way the payment is made: non-cash and in cash.
Step 7
In the offer, you can also specify the term for responding to the offer, for example, "We are waiting for your response until January 01, 2012". The head of the organization must sign this document.