If you have already decided to move and work in another state or are still dreaming about it, think twice before embarking on the path of assimilation.

Step 1
If you are firmly convinced that work in any other country in the world, far from Russia, is better paid, and are ready to move, the first thing to think about is getting a work visa. Without it, it is simply impossible to start a legal activity in a country of which you are not a citizen. Take Germany, for example (many of our compatriots emigrated there back in the 90s). To obtain a visa at the German embassy, you must fill out a form in German and provide all the information about yourself and family members from parents to children. After that, the questionnaire goes to the competent authority for foreigners in the district in which you intend to settle.
Step 2
Choice of profession. There will certainly be a catch here for many. The fact is that Germany (since we are talking about it) is quite loyal to attracting specialists with a doctoral degree, but very jealous of office workers, secretaries and employees of other organizations who could employ ethnic Germans. Therefore, if you are still applying for one of these vacancies, consider whether the employer is ready to fight for you to the last. If not, it is better to change the purpose of the move so as not to get rejected again.
Step 3
Providing false data in the questionnaire, it is this crime that can be a good reason for refusing you both in a visa and subsequent temporary residence, permanent residence and other permits. Never, under any circumstances, try to hold power, if only because it threatens you with major troubles. So, having received a refusal to obtain a visa to one of the countries of the Schengen agreement, you automatically put an end to your visit to other countries of this zone. And remember, a work visa grants the right to work only within the country within the profession specified in the document.