The birds that inhabit our planet are many and varied. Some live permanently in certain territories. Others move from place to place, but try to stay in the same climatic conditions. Still others fly away sometimes quite far from their native places, and then return back. The study of birds, their biology, habits, seasonal routes is engaged in a science called ornithology.

Where did the term come from?
Like the names of many sciences, the word "ornithology" is of Greek origin. The bird in Greek is called "ornis", and "logos" - "word", "science", "study". Accordingly, an ornithologist is a specialist in the study of birds. For the first time the name ornithology appeared almost five hundred years ago, and was introduced into scientific use by the naturalist Ulysses Aldrovandi.
What does an ornithologist do?
Now scientists know almost ten thousand species of birds. But from time to time, messages come from different countries that some new species has been discovered. Identifying unknown species of birds is one of the tasks of bird watchers. In addition, they observe already discovered species, systematize data on birds, study their biology, lifestyle, habitats, diet and much more. It is ornithologists who collect data for various state and international programs aimed at protecting rare bird species.
Where to get this specialty?
To become an ornithologist, you need to enter the biological faculty of the university. Many of them have a department of ornithology, so a biology student has the opportunity to obtain a corresponding specialization. You can also learn to become a veterinarian ornithologist at the veterinary academy.
Before choosing a specialty, it makes sense to think about the fact that the work of an ornithologist is often associated with constant business trips and expeditions. Those who have received this profession work in research institutes, environmental organizations, nature reserves, wildlife sanctuaries and zoos.
How are birds studied?
Bird watching is the methodological basis of ornithology. Observation in this case is both visual and auditory. This method allows you to study appearance, behavior and nutrition, and much more. But with its help it is impossible to find out where migratory birds fly away or how nomadic species change their habitat. To find out, bird watchers use a very effective method of ringing. It is quite widely known and has been in use for over a century.
The bird is caught in the safest way so as not to injure it. A ring is put on the paw, on which the necessary data are indicated (for example, number, date of ringing, etc.). Previously, aluminum rings were used, now ornithologists are more likely to use colored plastic. They let the bird go and wait for it to appear. Such knowledge, summarized in a system, makes it possible to predict migrations.