How Much Does A Patent For Migrants Cost In In Moscow

How Much Does A Patent For Migrants Cost In In Moscow
How Much Does A Patent For Migrants Cost In In Moscow

In 2016, labor migrants will retain the obligation to buy a patent. The cost of the patent will increase throughout the country, including in Moscow.

patent for migrants in 2016
patent for migrants in 2016

Since 2015, migrants who plan to work for Russian individuals or legal entities are required to acquire patents for the right to work. This must be done within 30 days after entering the country. To extend the validity of a patent, migrants need to pay personal income tax on a monthly basis. It is calculated according to the following formula: advance payment * federal deflator coefficient (set by the Ministry of Economic Development) * regional deflator coefficient (determined by local authorities based on an analysis of the local labor market).

In 2016, the conditions for acquiring a patent remained the same, but its value changed. The advance payment recorded in the Tax Code is 1200 rubles. (it has remained unchanged since 2015). However, the federal coefficient-deflator was increased by 15%: from 1.307 to 1.514. It was the increase in the coefficient at the all-Russian level that caused the rise in the price of a patent in Moscow in the current 2016. It will increase by 5%. At the same time, the regional coefficient, based on the situation with the level of Moscow salaries, was reduced from 2.55 in 2015 to 2.312.

The calculation of the amount of the patent will look like this: 1200 * 1, 517 * 2, 312. Thus, the cost of a patent for migrants in 2016 will be at the level of 4200 rubles. This amount will have to be paid by migrants wishing to get a job in Moscow or the Moscow region. In 2015, over 400 thousand people bought Moscow patents.

In Moscow, it is far from the most expensive patent. In Yakutia and the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, you will have to pay 7 and 8 thousand rubles for it. respectively. The cheapest patent is in the Amur Region, where it costs 2,760 rubles.
