Among the many contracts drawn up every day in the business world, sales contracts are the most widespread and actively used. Regardless of whether you are purchasing a product, a car or real estate, whether you order a service, the execution of an agreement for the purchase of a product or service is a prerequisite for your further right to the acquired property.

Step 1
Despite the fact that contracts for the purchase of goods have firmly entered our life, not everyone is familiar with all the intricacies of their drafting and signing. But it is a correctly drawn up document that protects the consumer and his rights in the event of their violation, when it comes not to household purchase of goods, but to entrepreneurial activity. In addition, the contract in this case is a necessary component of the accounting statements.
Step 2
Always conclude a purchase agreement in writing, stipulating all the details of the purchase of goods, payment, guarantees, rights and obligations of the parties. service. In turn, the second party - the buyer - undertakes to accept and pay for the provided product or service. The terms of purchase are stipulated in the contract concluded when purchasing a product / service. Conditions can be required, standard, or optional. And if there may be no optional conditions in the contract, if they are not fundamental for the seller and the buyer, then without specifying the mandatory conditions, the contract will not be valid.
Step 3
The main prerequisite for a purchase agreement is its subject, that is, directly those goods or services that are purchased by the buyer. Specify exactly its subject in the document, write the full name of the product, manufacturer, delivery set, quality, purchase and delivery volumes, and other important points.
Step 4
Be clear about the rights and obligations of the parties to the contract. Create appropriate sections in your document. For the seller, write: the obligation to transfer the goods agreed upon by the contract to the buyer in compliance with all the conditions specified in the contract; the obligation to comply with the deadlines for the transfer of goods; the obligation to transfer the goods of good quality to the buyer; the obligation to transfer the goods to the buyer, free from the legal claims of third parties, and in the event of the withdrawal of the goods by third parties for reasons that arose before the conclusion of the contractual obligations, to compensate the costs to the buyer.
Step 5
For the buyer, write: the obligation to accept the delivered goods if the goods comply with the terms of the contract; the obligation to pay for the goods on time and in the amount specified in the contract; the obligation to check the quality of the supplied goods and their compliance with the requirements of the contract.
Step 6
Specify the procedure for resolving disputes - this can only be a judicial procedure or a pre-trial settlement procedure.
Step 7
Sign the document and certify it with stamps. Date and register. Leave one copy with you, transfer the second to the counterparty.