You can fuss, clutching at one thing or another, while at the same time be terribly tired and as a result … not have time to do anything. A well-organized workflow will help save energy and increase the efficiency of any activity.

Learn to relax
Full concentration on the work process, as a rule, is welcomed by the bosses and is perceived as a special "service zeal", but the nervous system is not able to work in an emergency mode for a long time: concentration of attention decreases, thinking is worse, fatigue accumulates. To prevent this from happening, remember about short breaks during the working day: it is no coincidence that the school provides for breaks. An adult is obliged to arrange such pauses for himself.
Take a break for 5 minutes at least once every hour. Be sure to switch: leave the workplace, if possible - get some air. If you work alone, have a few words with your colleagues, but if, on the contrary, your work is constant communication, you should be alone in silence.
Creative laziness
It is during periods of "creative laziness" that the most brilliant ideas come and solutions to the most difficult problems are found. But in order to be lazy creatively, this process must be organized. Before you allow yourself to relax, load your brain as much as possible with the information it needs to solve the problem. And then … stop thinking about it, get distracted, do something outsider. Thus, you give your brain time to "digest" and organize information, and in gratitude for this, it will present you with a creative solution.
Observe the regime
Yes, the regime is an important thing not only for children, but also for adults. After being accustomed to work and rest at a certain time, the brain begins to automatically "turn on" at certain times of the day. Of course, you shouldn't go against nature. Observe yourself. It is believed that a person's working activity during the day has 2 rises and 2 recessions, and the first rise is the most productive for the "larks", and the second for the "owls"."
Determine for yourself the periods of the greatest and least activity during the day and plan the most difficult and “energy-intensive” tasks during the period of the highest peak of performance.
During a recession, try to give yourself at least 10-20 minutes … for sleep. To do this, you do not have to take a horizontal position (although this is not bad at all), you can take a nap, sitting comfortably in a chair or on the seat of a car. Oddly enough, even such a short sleep is great for restoring strength.