Keeping calm inside the country, reacting in time to various events in the life of a trusted place and looking for criminals, risking their own lives is a job for a real brave man.

Features of work in the police
When your preference in choosing a profession stopped at work in the police, then you should think about the necessary difficulties, such as the risk to your health and life, as well as irregular working hours and the willingness to be called to work at any time of the day. The advantages of this profession are: the provision of uniforms by the state, social benefits for the children of police officers, the allocation of money by the state for the purchase of housing, as well as retirement at 45 years old. If neither you nor your close relatives have a criminal record and your health and physical fitness meet these requirements for working in the police, then you can consider this vacancy.
The police admit citizens from 18 to 35 years old with an education of at least complete secondary general. The preference is given to candidates who have graduated from the law faculty of a higher educational institution, since the position and, accordingly, the salary will depend on this. If you thought about choosing this profession while still at school, then you should choose the appropriate educational institution: a higher educational institution of the Ministry of Internal Affairs or a high school of police.
Getting a job in the police
Before you are employed by the police, you need to contact the police department at the personnel department at your place of residence, and then go through several stages.
Interview, collection of the necessary documents. You will need an application, a questionnaire, recommendations, educational diplomas, a passport and a passport, an autobiography, a military ID, an employment record, a TIN certificate, consent, documents disclosing your personal income, ownership of property, as well as documents on obligations in relation to spouses and children under 18 years old.
Passing the medical commission. Obtaining certificates from dispensaries that you do not have sexually transmitted diseases, tuberculosis and mental disorders. It is necessary to do all the standard tests, as well as tests for the presence of drugs in your body. Pass a psychological examination, this check with many questions will take at least several hours, with a lie detector connected. Next, you need to go through the consultations of specialists: surgeon, ENT, ophthalmologist, therapist, psychiatrist and do fluorography, ECG and ultrasound of organs.
Filling in financial documents. Filling in a tax return, information about bank accounts, property, stocks, securities, property.
Sports training. It is necessary to pass the standards for physical training: push-ups from the floor, press, long-distance running.
When all the steps are followed, you just have to wait for the results, because everything you need has already been done.