Who Is A Janitor: Job Description And Features Of The Profession

Who Is A Janitor: Job Description And Features Of The Profession
Who Is A Janitor: Job Description And Features Of The Profession

The first wipers appeared in Russia at the end of the 18th century. And if modern guardians of cleanliness are responsible only for putting things in order in the territory entrusted to them, then the first representatives of this profession also monitored the observance of law and order in their area, suppressed hooligan antics, robbery and other crimes.

Who is a janitor: job description and features of the profession
Who is a janitor: job description and features of the profession

Most people, when they hear the word "janitor", imagine either a woman of large size, or the face of one of the Asian nationalities with a huge shovel or broom. But no one even thinks that the staff of janitors has the largest number of representatives of the profession, and meanwhile, in every production association, in every budgetary and any other organization there is a working unit "janitor" and in most cases not one, but several. This staff unit performs very important functions not only in a particular organization, but also in life in general.

What is the duty of a janitor

As for representatives of other professions, there is a job description for janitors. It includes a description and scope of work that he must perform, a list of tools that must be available to him and the time allotted for him to perform his duties.

The duties of a janitor include cleaning roads and pedestrian sidewalks from debris in the territory entrusted to him, as well as areas along the facades of buildings, external staircases of houses and their basements, on special areas where garbage containers are installed. In winter, janitors are required to remove snow and ice, help in unloading it for export, sprinkle the paths with reagents, and during the snow melting period, ensure the unhindered discharge of melt water. In the summertime, care for the lawns, watering trees and flower beds, and weeding is also on the shoulders of the janitors.

At any time of the year, the janitor is obliged to clear debris and rinse from time to time the trash cans that are on his site, make sure that the approach to the sewer, fire and gas hatches is not obstructed, and turn on and off street lights in a timely manner.

In addition to the usual attributes of the janitor - brooms and shovels, the necessary list of his inventory includes scoops of various sizes and configurations, stretchers, a wheelbarrow, buckets, garbage bags, forks and axes, so-called lawn mowers, rakes, pruners and lawn mowers …

Features of the janitor's profession

Despite the fact that the profession of a janitor does not require special profile training, it is a very difficult and responsible job. The janitor is required to fulfill his duties rigorously, the candidate for this position must be the most responsible, punctual and obligatory person.

This kind of work is suitable for those who prefer to work in a small team or alone. But such qualities as sociability and friendliness will be necessary, because the janitor has to communicate with residents of nearby houses and with employees of the company in which he works.

The profession of a janitor is not particularly popular, as their working day begins at dawn, and sometimes ends at midnight. And the salaries of representatives of this profession are not so high, and sometimes it is the minimum allowed by law.
