Some executives mistakenly believe that selling comes from nature. This position is only partially correct: there are many technologies for teaching this useful skill.

- - books;
- - periodicals;
- - training schedule.
Step 1
Create a rough sales training plan by dividing it into two key blocks. The first concerns newcomers, because, as a rule, the trade sphere is characterized by constant rotation of workers. Newly arrived employees should receive an intensive introductory sales course. It may include technologies for communicating with customers, skills in identifying needs, principles of demonstrating goods that the company deals with. The second block is intended for experienced "salespeople" who must constantly reinforce their experience with new relevant knowledge.
Step 2
Introduce an internal internship system. First of all, this applies to employees who have no experience in sales. Assign a mentor for them from among the existing employees. An experienced employee must, as soon as possible, show the newcomer the main principles of work, familiarize with the goods, and characterize the target audience. Additional payment to the trainer for the work in this case is required. If you have a large company, arrange sales experience exchange days between branches and divisions.
Step 3
Create a sales training program for longtime employees. Analysis of specific situations from practice, trainings in the format of games, thematic discussions - such work, as a rule, is carried out within the company. It is advisable to arrange the other part of the training with the involvement of professionals. Follow the seminars and master classes and send the best representatives of the company to them.
Step 4
Encourage sales self-education by equipping staff with the necessary resources. For example, start a mini-library, which will be replenished monthly. Buy the most relevant books on sales techniques, psychology, marketing; subscribe to periodicals.